Rebecca Mackenzie CounsellingBerkhamsted, Hertfordshire

More About Me & How I Work. Logo

I have a Diploma in Therapeutic Counselling, awarded by ABC.
I have completed an introduction to Compassion Focussed Therapy.
I also have a degree in Philosophy, from many years ago!
I have trained in Mindfulness and am a great believer in it's healing power.
I regularly attend workshops focussing on specific psychological issues as a way of expanding my knowledge and experience.

Counselling really only works if clients attend regularly, therefore before embarking on our work together your ability to commit to regular sessions will be explored. Cancellation with less than 48 hours notice will usually mean the full session fee is payable to cover my time and expenses, as I will not be able to fill your slot with anyone else. Once we have agreed a time slot, that is yours for the duration of our work together.

I will let you know as soon as possible if I need to cancel a session. This is very rare and I will do everything in my power to not cancel.

I have regular supervision, to ensure that I am working ethically & competently, but I will not use your full name or give any identifiable details so as to protect your anonymity.
I keep brief notes on paper, which are kept in a locked cabinet, and kept separately from any details which could be used to identify you. All my notes are shredded once 5 years has passed after you have finished counselling, unless you request otherwise.
Whatever you tell me is treated as highly confidential. The only time I would consider breaking confidentiality was if I was concerned you were a danger either to yourself or another. I would do this to seek help with the situation. I would always endeavour to discuss this with you beforehand.

I tend to work to school holidays. Please let me know as soon as you can if you have a holiday booked. I will endeavour to give you at least 6 weeks notice of any holidays I have booked. I always take the whole month of August off.

I am a member of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy, and work in accordance with their Ethical Framework. They have a website which will give you further information about counselling and what you can expect from an ethical practitioner. If you have any concerns about my practice I would appreciate it if you would raise these with me in the first instance. However, I understand this can be difficult. The BACP are therefore the people to contact if you feel you cannot do this, or if you would like to take things further. They can be reached at:

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